Format type  Description
M Month as digits without leading zeros for single-digit months.
MM Month as digits with leading zeros for single-digit months.
MMM Abbreviated month, for example, "Nov" in English (United States).
MMMM Month, for example, "November" for English (United States), and "Noviembre" for Spanish (Spain).

 The following table defines the format types used to represent years.

 Format type  Description
y Year represented only by the last digit.
yy Year represented only by the last two digits. A leading zero is added for single-digit years.
yyyy Year represented by a full four or five digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars have five-digit years. The "yyyy" pattern shows five digits for these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars. Calendars that have single-digit or two-digit years, such as for the Japanese Emperor era, are represented differently. A single-digit year is represented with a leading zero, for example, "03". A two-digit year is represented with two digits, for example, "13". No additional leading zeros are displayed.
yyyyy Behaves identically to "yyyy".

 The following table defines the format types used to represent a period or era.

 Format type  Description
g, gg Period/era string. The "g" and "gg" format pictures in a date string are ignored if there is no associated era or period string.